Directorate of Higher Education is the nodal agency sponsored and activated
by Department of Higher Education, Maharashtra Government. Directorate is headed by
the Director of Higher Education and office is located at Central Building, Pune.
There is one Joint Director in the region of each University. The office of the
Joint Director Higher Education Jalgaon is the regional incharge for North Maharashtra University jurisdiction. In 1984 Government
of Maharashtra has bifurcated Higher & Technical Education Department from School
Education Department . The main purpose was to increase the facilities & raise
the standard of Higher Education in field of Arts, Science , Commerce & B.Ed. Education
in Graduation & Post Graduation level.
By the Maharashtra University Act 1994 all the Universities are equally empowered
to function. Which enables Universities formulation of appropriate syllabi & implementation
of same. So that it raises the standard of education.
Office of the Joint Director monitors all service conditions of all teaching & Non-teaching
staff of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University Jalgaon and affilited colleges.
This office monitors 2625 teaching staff and 2127 non-teaching staff of 82 aided colleges and 93 teaching staff and 414 non teaching staff of North Maharashtra
University. The main objectives of this office is to provide bridge role among Department
of Higher Education, Government of Maharashtra; Director, Higher Education and Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University,
Jalgaon and it's affiliated colleges
Overall, following are the main activities of Joint Director, Higher Education,
- Controlling of aided colleges, staff assesment and allocation and fund
- Salary disbursment of University and Aided Colleges' staff.
- Recommendation for College aids, Evaluation and Management
- Implementation of higher education policies as enacted by The Director of Higher Education
and enforced by the Deparmtnet of Higher Education, Government of Maharashtra from time to time
- Controlling government sponsored Hostels.
- Teacher's promotion (CAS) and motivation for maintenance of standard in higher education.
JD's Message
"Our vision of empowering students is to understand, recognize and develop their strengths
and help them to overcome weaknesses. We are also dedicated to develop their professional competence and personality to
compete in the international market/scenario of 21
st Century. We are committed to maintain
quality and standards in higher education as envisoned by The Ministry of Human Resource and Development,
Government of India as well as Government of Maharashtra."
Dr. Santosh Chavan
Hon. Minister of State, Higher and Technical Education Government of Maharashtra.
Valuable Guidance
Shri. Vikas Chandra Rastogi
Principal Secretary, Higher & Technical Education Government of Maharashtra.
Dr. Shailendra Deolankar
Director, Directorate, Higher Education, Government of Maharashtra.